Legal Conditions “X TALENTO CHALLENGE”
The X Talento Challenge is a contest aimed at young people aged between 14 and 21 (born between 2004 and 2011) that promotes the development of projects seeking to generate a positive social impact by addressing or improving a specific issue in their local environment.
Participation is by teams, which must have a minimum of five and a maximum of 10 members. Additionally, the 25% - 75% balance rule must be observed according to the following options:
- At least 25% of the team members must have a disability.
- At least 25% of the team members must not have a disability.
To better understand this when putting together your teams, you can refer to the following MINIMUM TABLE.
Minimum members WITH disability |
Minimum members WITHOUT disability |
5-6 | 1 | 1 |
7-10 | 2 | 2 |
The purpose of X Talento Challenge is to encourage 21st-century skills: digitalisation, leadership, entrepreneurship, financial knowledge, creativity, decision-making, teamwork, etc. That’s why, X Talento Challenge:
- encourages participation by young people aged 14 to 21 years in schools and colleges as well as associations and other entities through a joint social impact project based on cooperative learning.
- It encourages active listening by everyone in teams that include young people with and without disabilities.
- It can focus on disability, but also on other vulnerable groups, or on other social problems, such as encouraging equality, rehabilitating spaces that encourage coexistence or restoring abandoned spaces or areas, combating rural depopulation, presenting the idea of volunteering, etc.
The contest is Spain-wide and targeted at youths between the ages of 14 and 21 who are part of schools, associations and other organisation with their own legal personality.
The participating teams must present a project designed to have a positive impact on society by solving or improving a specific problem in their immediate surroundings .
To do this, they will be given supporting training materials, which are available in the tutors' private areas, as well as personalised mentoring sessions for teams advancing to PHASE 2.
For this purpose, in PHASE 1 it is necessary to deliver:
- An initial description of their social impact project by completing a Project Summary Template , completing the fields in the template, available in the private area.
For teams advancing to PHASE 2 it will be necessary to deliver:
- A Project Plan, a document presenting the lines of the development, available in the private area.
- The Team Skills document describes the skills and competencies of each member of the team.
- During this phase, teams have online mentoring sessions with professionals from the business world, from the area of Grupo Social ONCE or collaborating entities.
Young people aged between 14 and 21 years (born between 2004 and 2011) can take part in X Talento Challenge. Teams must consist of at least five and no more than ten members.
The teams are supervised by tutors (maximum 2) who will guide them throughout the process, and will register them in the correct registration form according to whether the group comes from a school or college, an association, or a different entity with legal personality. Tutors may supervise one or several teams.
It is mandatory for the teams to be backed by the entity with legal personality to which each team’s tutors belong. This means the following types of organisations may participate:
All young people at public, subsidised, and private schools in the country who are studying Mandatory Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate, or Professional and Basic Vocational Training provided that the participants were born between 2004 and 2011.
There is total flexibility and freedom as regards the composition of the teams: the participants in each team can be from different classes, academic years and/or stages of education or from different schools and colleges. However, the tutors must belong to single school or college which supports the team.
All entities that work with young people and that have a legal personality, such as (including but not limited to) leisure and free-time associations, scouts associations, occupational centres and job support, education, training, careers guidance and disability support centres, etc., provided that the team members were born between 2004 and 2011.
There is total flexibility and freedom as regards the composition of the teams: the participants in each team can be from different entities and/or associations. Even so, the team’s tutors will be supported by a single entity.
To help to develop the best and most visible social project, the jury will assess each project following these criteria in each phase:
- CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION: The ability of find creative solution that meet a social need, as well as the ability to apply originality and creativity to find business solution which have a clear social impact.
- SOCIAL IMPACT: The ability to come up with a local project that improves the life of the community and transforms a need into an entrepreneurship opportunity.
- ACCESSIBILITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES: The ability to confer factors on the project like the inclusion of everyone, regardless of whether or not they have a disability.
- OPPORTUNITY NICHE AND PROJECT FEASIBILITY: The ability to assess the opportunity niches detected and the feasibility of developing them within the current market.
- PRESENTATION OF THE PROPOSAL: The ability to convey the key aspects that describe the social project via a high-quality presentation.
To participate, the tutor must register their team or teams on the contest website using the appropriate registration form for the entity with legal personality that supports the team.
The tutor supervising the participating teams will be responsible for correctly filling out all the requested information in the registration form, as well as for subsequently uploading their team's project to the website.
Under no circumstances will personal data from team participants be requested, as it will be the tutor who provides their own information, along with the details of the entity supporting the team.
Fundación ONCE may require the winning teams to provide proof of disability for their members.
- The registration period, which coincides with PHASE 1, will end on 21 February 2025.
- Teams advancing to PHASE 2 must submit their projects by 16 May 2025.
The organiser of the contest reserves the right to postpone the start date of participation (with prior notice), as well as to extend the period if deemed necessary.
NOTE: Teachers wishing to request a participation certificate for this edition of the contest must do so before 31 May 2025, with the issuance of certificates after this date being at the discretion of the contest coordinator.
(until 21 February 2025)
- The teams are formed in this phase. Teams must have no fewer than five and more than ten members who must all be aged from 14 to 21 years.
- Teams must have participants with and without disabilities, with a ratio of 25%-75% or vice versa.
Minimum members WITH disability |
Minimum members WITHOUT disability |
5-6 | 1 | 1 |
7-10 | 2 | 2 |
- After registering on the website, the tutors of each team will have access to a private area where they will find the supporting training materials: three dynamics and a guideline document for the tutor that will help them complete the fields in the Project Summary Template, where each working team will make a preliminary approach in a very simple manner.
- The deadline for submitting the Project Summary Template is 21 February 2025 at 23:59:59.
(from 3 March to 16 May 2025)
- Between 21 February and 3 March, the jury will select 25 teams to advance to PHASE 2.
- In this phase, all teams will receive mentoring for their projects from professionals in the business sector, from Fundación ONCE, or from companies collaborating with the entity.
- The mentors involved will assist the teams in refining their project and preparing the following deliverables: the Project Plan and Team Skills.
- The tutors of each team will also have access to three audiovisual capsules and two interactive infographics that will help them complete the next deliverable of the contest, as well as a guideline index.
- The final submission date for the Project Plan and Team Skills will be 16 May 2025 at 23:59:59.
1: Mentoring is the professional relationship through which a more experienced and knowledgeable person - the mentor - helps, guides, and advises another person with less experience.
(May-June 2025)
The Jury will select two winning teams from the 25 teams that develop their projects, each of which will receive €5,000 to launch their project, as well as various prizes for their members and tutors.
Furthermore, there will be special mentions for another three teams, selected by the jury, which will also receive prizes for their members and tutors.
The winning teams will be announced in June 2025.
In each of the two phases, the participating teams will have different materials to support them in the development of the project.
This includes three dynamics of research, reflection, and creation aimed at helping each team reflect on the possibilities that the social project conceived can be put into practice and its usefulness for a specific sector of the population or a particular issue, assessing the needs, expectations, and satisfaction associated with that future project.
- Teaching guide
- "Market study" Dynamic
- "Buyer persona" Dynamic
- "SWOT analysis" Dynamic
This includes, on one hand, three audiovisual capsules to help teams explore the subject of their project in greater depth. Additionally, on the other hand, two interactive infographics to shape the project and clarify key aspects such as budget allocations, milestones, and schedules for implementation, etc.
- Index guidelines
- Layout guidelines
- Audiovisual capsule: “What are Soft Skills?”
- Audiovisual capsule: “What is Social Entrepreneurship?”
- Audiovisual capsule: “Keys to Labour Inclusion”
- Infographic: “Project Plan”
- Infographic: “Team Skills”
The winning participants in the X Talento Challenge will receive prizes at both group and individual levels:
The Jury will select two winning teams from the 25 teams that develop their projects, each of which will receive 5,000 EURO to launch their positive social impact project.
Note: monetary prizes are subject to tax withholding in accordance with current legislation at the time of payment (currently, this withholding is 15%).
Members of each winning team will receive a gift card worth 100 EURO.
The tutors responsible for the winning teams will receive a tablet in appreciation of their involvement and support of the participants, with an approximate value of 500 EURO plus the applicable VAT.
Under no circumstances can the prizes be exchanged for cash, altered, or compensated at the request of the winners.
Three of the finalist teams will receive gift cards valued at 50 EURO for their members and a voucher to enjoy at ILUNION hotels for the responsible tutors.
10.- LAWS
Participation in the X Talento Challenge contest entails acceptance of the terms of the call for participation, as reflected and summarised in the extract of the contest conditions located on its website:
The prizes will be subjected to tax withholdings or deposits in accordance with the tax laws in force at the time of payment.
Once the work has been evaluated by the jury, the FUNDACIÓN ONCE reserves the right to process, adapt and correct the projects submitted to the contest in the broadest sense possible.
Participation in this contest implies that the tutors and participating teams in the winning projects grant the FUNDACIÓN ONCE all the rights to reproduction, publication on paper and electronically, fixation, compilation public communication, transformation, distribution by any means or format (including Internet and the social media) and, in general, exploitation of their projects exclusively for a period of 50 years, without territorial, material or geographic limits, and with the possibility of cession to third parties (all or part of the property rights being ceded).
The contest website will make available to participants a document ceding intellectual property rights which must be attached when the project is uploaded onto the platform.
If any content (images, slogans, logos, etc.) owned by third parties are used, the participating tutor must make sure that they are free of rights or that they have the corresponding intellectual image/voice property rights with the extension needed according to the terms of this call for participation.
To submit the projects via the website, confirmation will be requested that all the documentation on rights that the person uploading the project should have has been secured. Later, this will be checked and any documentation that has not been provided will be requested.
All projects that do not have the relevant permits will be disqualified. If for any reason unrelated to the FUNDACIÓN ONCE a project which has not sufficiently justified the fact that it is free of third-party rights is declared a winner, or that the corresponding cessions of rights or intellectual property have not been delivered, or that they were subsequently removed, the FUNDACIÓN ONCE may change it for publication, or it may choose not to publish it.
The personal data which must be collected for participation in the contest shall be processed in accordance with the rules established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December 2018, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD). Data shall only be collected with the consent of its owner so that these data can be included in files owned by FUNDACIÓN ONCE and processed exclusively for the purpose specified in the legend attached to the data-collection form which will be published on the contest website. The data obtained via the corresponding forms shall be the minimum needed to make participation in the contest possible.